Frequently Asked Questions

Subscription Questions

  • For domestic orders, please allow 6-8 weeks for your first copy of Racer X to arrive. For Canadian orders, expect 7-8 weeks. For international orders 10-12 weeks.

  • As a convenience, all subscriptions are placed on Automatic renewal, except prohibited by law. Automatic renewal service ensures you continuous magazine delivery as long as we have a valid credit card on file. With rising costs in postage and materials, we appreciate your participation as it also helps keep price increases at a minimum. 

    You can turn off automatic renewals by visiting your Subscription Manager,  click details on your active subscription and unchecking the auto-renew box. 
    You can update your credit card information or make a payment in your Subscription Manager as well. 

  • Racer X Illustrated makes every effort to ensure that your issues reach you promptly. If an issue is missed, you must notify us within 6 weeks. Our policy is to extend your subscription by the missed issue but if you have your heart set on receiving the physical copy for your collection we will mail a single copy out at no charge to you. Racer X attempts to honor missing issue claims whenever possible; however, certain restrictions apply. For instance, replacements cannot be honored if issues are missing because of failure to report a change of address or because a copy is lost or missing from your collection. 
    If you've missed 2 or more issues, at Racer X's discretion, your subscription will be extended, or if you would like the physical copies, you will be charged for the shipping fee. 
    If your magazine arrives damaged, we will happily replace it. Please make sure to notify us within 2 weeks of delivery. 

    Troubleshooting delivery issues:
    There are several reasons why you may not get your issue:

    1. Incorrect Address on file: To verify we have the correct one, in Your Subscriptions, click details on the active subscription and from there you can add a new address or edit your existing one in case of a data entry error.

    Please note: If the Post Office alerts us that your magazine is undeliverable, we have no further obligation unless we receive a corrected address within one year. 

    2. Your subscription has expired: Visit Your Subscriptions to check the status of your subscription. If the status is showing Expired, you can easily renew by clicking the Renew button. To ensure you don't miss an issue be sure to renew at least one month before your expiration date. 

    3. Your subscription has been suspended:  Visit Your Subscriptions to check the status of your subscription. If your subscription is suspended due to an outstanding payment, it means the credit card we have on file was unable to be charged. You can make a payment and reinstate your subscription by clicking the Pay Now button. If your subscription is suspended but not due to an outstanding payment, please reach out to our customer service team at

    If none of these options apply, contact customer service. 
    International subscribers, please note: Due to various problems and high shipping costs, we are no longer mailing out a physical replacement to our international subscribers. We would be happy to extend your subscription by the qty. of the missing issue(s) or if you're set on having a physical copy, we’d be happy to send it. We just ask that you pay shipping costs. 

  • The expiration date of your subscription can be found on the mailing label or by visiting Your Subscriptions.

  • Credit card expiring?  Update your credit card now.  

  • We hate to see you go! If there is anything we can do to keep you in the Racer X family, please send an email to We'd love to keep you as a reader!

    If you must cancel, visit your Your Subscriptions and click details on your active subscription. Your subscription will be cancelled after all remaining issues are delivered.

  • Duplicate copies are usually received when a renewal is placed and either the name or mailing information doesn’t match what we currently have on file. When there is a variance in the entered information the system will create a separate new subscription. If you are receiving duplicate copies please email

  • Back issues can be purchased from Supplies are limited; availability cannot be guaranteed.

Digital Edition Questions

  • 1. With each new issue within the first week or two of the month, you’ll get an email containing a link to your Digital Bookstand, where you can access your previous issues alongside your newest issue. Please check your Spam folder to make sure it didn’t end up there! 

    2. In the top right corner of Racer X online, you will see a notification in red when a new issue is available. 

    3. You can access the Digital Magazine Bookstand by going to The Mag in the main navigation of Racer X online.  

    • If you are having trouble logging into your digital account, please email, someone from our customer support team will troubleshoot the problem.
  • We do not have an app, but when viewing the site in your browser on your phone or tablet, you will be able to save a shortcut icon to your home screen that will mimic an app.